With Kane out, JK Moving plans major expansion...
With Kane out, JK Moving plans major expansion...
It is a bittersweet day for Chuck Kuhn. The founder, president and CEO of Sterling-based JK Moving Services stands to benefit in a big way from the sudden demise of the Kane Co., and specifically, Office Movers Inc. But no one wants to see roughly 1,000 people out of work, Kuhn said, or the effect the Kane Co.’s collapse will have on John Kane and his family. “I think it’s very unfortunate,” Kuhn said. “As a competitor you certainly see the benefit, but as a human being, you see the effect on the…
from http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2016/12/09/with-kane-out-jk-moving-plans-major-expansion-into.html?ana=RSS%26s=article_search